Q     | In the Readme file, I have found the description of the data. |
Each video have four annotations: [video name]_drowsiness.txt : 0 means Stillness and 1 means Drowsy [video name]_head.txt : 0 means Stillness, 1 means Nodding and 2 means Looking aside. [video name]_mouth.txt : 0 means Stillness and 1 means Yawning and 2 means Talking & Laughing. [video name]_eye.txt : 0 means Stillness and 1 means Sleepy-eyes. Do you consider Yawning, Sleepy-eyes and Nodding as Drowsy behavior? If not, do we need to classify all them (Drowsy, Nodding, Yawn, Sleepy-eyes) completely ? |
A     | Thanks for your question. Following is our answer: |
1. We consider Yawning, Sleepy-eyes and Nodding as Drowsy behavior while Looking aside and Talking & Laughing as Non-drowsy behavior. |
2. The required results of challenge session is only the classification of drowsy and non-drowsy. You don't need to submit the detail behaviors, such as Yawning, Sleepy-eyes, Nodding, Looking aside or Talking & Laughing. |