CV Lab
Based on NSA (Natural Synthetic Anomaly), a self-supervised model for anomaly detection, we propose a new model after modifying its anomaly data synthesis method, anomaly score calculation and deep learning network architecture, We proposed a new end-to-end model - NiSA (Natural improved Synthetic Anomaly). Experiments on MVTec AD (mainstream dataset for anomaly detection, containing images of 15 different industrial objects) show that NiSA can produce more natural, wide-ranging synthetic anomalies and higher overall detection AUROC.
The network model of NiSA is an encoder-decoder architecture based on ResNet-50, ResNet-50 removes the last classification layer as an encoder, 4 1/2 down sampling 1x1 convolutional layers as a The network model of NiSA is an encoder-decoder architecture based on ResNet-50, ResNet-50 removes the last classification layer as an encoder, four 1/2 down sampling 1x1 convolutional layers as a bottleneck plus a simple decoder, And add the attention module of SSPCAB to achieve the purpose of enhancing featuresbottleneck plus a simple decoder, And add the attention module of SSPCAB to achieve the purpose of enhancing features.
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