CS3570 多媒體技術概論 ( Introduction to Multimedia )
2015 Spring
Class Meeting:
- M7M8R6, 台達館 109室 (Delta Building R109)
- 賴尚宏老師 (Prof. Shang-Hong Lai) lai@cs.nthu.edu.tw
- 國立清華大學資訊工程學系
- 台達館(Delta Building) R636, ext. 42958
- Office Hours: M9, R7 or by appointment
- Linear Algebra
- Probability
- Basic Programming Skills
Course Contents:
- Digital Data Representation and Communication
- Digital Image Representation & Processing
- Digital Audio Representation & Processing
- Digital Video Representation and Processing
- Computer Graphics
- Multimedia Authoring
- Multimedia Retrieval
- New Hot Topics in Multimedia
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- Midterm Examination (May 5) 30%
- Homework assignments (4) 40%
- Final Project 20%
- Quizzes 5%
- Class Participation 5%
Teaching Assistant:
- 葉宸廷 yayaya80429@gmail.com
- 李元正 meowshroom@gmail.com
- 藍偉綸 william_sky77@hotmail.com
- 黃薪元 misharkiller@gmail.com
- 孫昕霈 rex2246511@gmail.com
- 台達722, ext. 80933
- Office Hours: Please Contact with Us